Our Mission

At Listen Within to Win, our mission is:
“To empower our youth & any individual, take control of internal dialogue, and bring to light their true power within. Developing emotionally well, happy, & successful human beings!

Listen Within To Win is delivering the skills our kids need, that as human beings we ALL need. We discuss and allow the kids to actively engage in a curriculum that allows them to explore and apply skills they need to have to be emotionally well. Skills which include:

  • effective communication
  • effective listening
  • internal dialogue
  • empathy & compassion
  • self-acceptance
  • acceptance of others
  • emotional understanding
Listen Within To Win

It was during our research that we found delivering these core principals to children, as they are developing and stepping into who they are, is the key. To live in the world of today and the future we desire, we will have to equip our children with the skills of self-love, resiliency, acceptance, compassion, empathy, and awareness over the power of their thoughts. It’s through learning and incorporating these vital tools into their lives that they’ll become happy children and grow into emotionally well, happy, & successful adults.

It is much easier create these shifts in children and young adults because the patterns are not yet deep rooted. As adults we are conditioned and have our “habits” so much more ingrained in us that most of us don’t realize we’ve lost these things until later in life. Stepping in at younger ages to solidify these core values will create lives of value that align with who they are and what lights them up. Finally the never-ending search for self-help books to fix what’s broke later in life cycle has a chance of becoming extinct.

We designed our program to allow our youth to find themselves again (for some for the very first time). Through our program they realize that they are designed for greatness and are born with the tools necessary to be successful and happy individuals.

They have so many questions are faced with so any “adult” topics and we must help them navigate through it so they can develop emotionally well, happy, & successful.

For Parents

Parenting presents fears, challenges, & tremendous opportunity to learn.
The amount of stress we take on as a parent feels unbearable at times. The truth is to financially survive and raise a family one or both parents need to be working one or more full-time jobs. This alone has had an impact on the relationships amongst families. As parents, we experience that the world we live in isn’t black and white and is far from simple, we also parent from what we experienced through our childhood as well as add on our own fears on our children. All these factors have had an impact on the emotional wellbeing of all of us.

Sadly in the midst of our “adult” responsiblities we forget that our children are dealing with many big issues as well. They are facing more stress and dealing with serious topics at younger and younger ages through which they need help to navigate. Electronics have also had a huge impact on the content being introduced to our youth.

Our Mission
Giving them the knowledge now allows them to begin to understand how super they are by design, see their amazing natural super qualities.

We at Listen Within to Win witness first hand and see how difficult it is to be a parent in this era and have made it our goal to help parents understand what children are in need of. We teach you how to create a “safe place” to talk and ask questions openly so that the kids don’t look elsewhere for the information. We also give you essential tools to help you see things from a different perspective and with that be more open-minded and courageous to ask the difficult questions so that you can be present and provide your children with additional support they truly need.

For Teens

1 in 5 kids will experience a severe mental health disorder during their lifetime, 70% of the youth in the juvenile systems have at least one mental health condition, and at least 20% of them live with a serious mental illness? Statistics like these is alarming and we must do something to help the children.

Listen Within to Win was designed to empower our youth in addition to any individual looking for the necessary tools to nurture their mental wellbeing and survive, develop, and grow up more resilient, happy, and self- aware which will allow them to be successful and learn they have unlimited potential.
Knowledge and awareness will increase with an expansion of their emotional IQ. They will be introduced to the skills necessary to understand how their mind works, how emotions work, how to actually cope instead of just holding in all in. In addition actually learning how empathy and compassion relate to their lives, it helps them understand themselves as well as others better. We allow them to learn and see how they control so much more than they think. They can CHOOSE to respond vs. react. They can CHOOSE what they think and they perspectives. This awareness and growth will allow them to pave their own path to develop into successful, fulfilled, happy adults.

Listen Within To Win

This is just the beginning to demonstrating and allowing people to recognize the amazing strengths they have, also discovering what weaknesses they may have and learn to develop a path to improve upon them. They gain the skills that allow them to navigate through all the high pressure, fast paced, advanced adult content issues they are faced with constantly.

Connect with me for upcoming workshops, speaking, teaching, & coaching availability!

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